Alumni Updates: Ashley Moore
College or University: University of South Alabama (Mobile, AL)
Degree and Major: BS in Exercise Science
What role did CAP & GOWN play in your pathway to college and your experience while you were there?
CAP & GOWN gave me the opportunity to figure out what to do after high school. The program allowed me to experience things that a student in North Huntsville wouldn’t ever think of doing and gave me the push to continue my education after high school.
What’s next? What are your plans?
I am currently attending University of North Alabama working on my Masters in Sports Management. Starting January 2022, I will be a Graduate Assistant in UNA’s Athletic Department Ticket Sales.
Anything else you’d like to share with our CAP & GOWN community and supporters?
I would like to say thank you to all of the donors and our community who have not only helped past, present and future CAP & GOWN students but reassured us that we do have a community of people who are willing to invest time and knowledge into students in North Huntsville.