Tuskegee, ASU, Auburn College Tour Weekend


By Anthony Parker

The Auburn, Tuskegee, and ASU tour was really fun. We departed from Jemison high school around 8 a.m., the bus ride seemed like it took forever. The first college we toured was Tuskegee University. Tuskegee’s campus is huge and looks historic. We began our tour by learning a little bit about the traditions and importance of Tuskegee to black history. We also learned the T-U chant and got lots of chances to practice throughout the afternoon.

As we walked around our tour guild pointed out some of the buildings and their significance. One of the buildings I particularly wanted to tour was the on campus museum, dedicated to preserving the history of the Tuskegee airmen. The tour guide also told us about some of the majors and programs the college offers. For example, we learned about study abroad options and clubs. After walking around and talking to the tour guide we had lunch in the campus cafeteria. Then, we got back on the road to tour Auburn.

Auburn’s campus is like a miniature city. We were there on the day of the Auburn vs. Clemson football game, so there were a lot of people and activity there. Our tour guide was JOJ alum and Auburn freshman, Jailyl! He is in the Auburn marching band, so I was glad he could take time before his first ever performance with the band to give us a tour and answer some questions about what it’s been like to go from our school to a big, SEC campus.

After the Auburn tour we went to a hotel. I was tired so I just stayed in my room and went to sleep. The next day we left to tour ASU. At ASU we had a self-guided tour. Our teachers gave us the basic descriptions of the buildings, but it wasn’t the same as having an attending student showing us around. After the ASU tour we started the long bus ride back the Jemison. Out of the three colleges I think Tuskegee was the best, because I really like the history of the college and the campus.



Emily Heller