Vanderbilt Law College Tour
Vanderbilt Law is hosting CAP & GOWN Project students for a campus tour, lunch & learn, and student q&a panel. Any HCS high school student is welcome to attend.
2023 Spring Break College Tour
CAP & GOWN students are heading to the Big Easy for the 2023 Spring Break college tour.
In partnership with the Lee High School Marching Band, NACEE, and other organizations, come to Lee High School on October 11 to get assistance in completing the 2023-2024 FAFSA.
Fall Break College Tour
JSU, AUM, Troy University, Talladega College, University of South Alabama
Pure Barre Donation Pop-Up Class
Come work out with Pure Barre Huntsville to benefit CAP & GOWN. We will be accepting donations in exchange for a FUN, challenging work out.
College 101
The first meeting of the 2022-2023 College 101 program. These meetings are for seniors only. They will be held every Monday that there is school from 4:30-6:30pm at New Century Technology High School, room 255.
University of Alabama College Tour
Join CAP & GOWN for a campus tour of the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa, AL. See the CAP & GOWN teacher-coach at your school for a permission slip.
College 101 for 9-11th Grades
Ready to start putting some motion behind your college and career goals? Join us for this College 101: What Should I Be Doing Now session, part 1.
O36: ACT Science
Operation 36 ACT prep classes. Come for a 1 hour lesson and 1 hour of additional guided practice.
Zoom info is emailed by Heller each week. Didn’t get the info? Email emily@capandgownproject to ask!